Neutrality – The Power Of Evenness – Really!

Make it Even

Neutrality is just evenness of energy.   When we have evenness, there is no energetic bias in a particular situation that would naturally create or attract events or dramas into our lives.   We strengthen things that weaken us – to get to evenness – so everything is equally and evenly energetically strong.

A person may perceive a huge change in their daily lives after getting neutral.  What happens is;  instead of their energy supporting only 1 or 2 choices, suddenly there are a trillion (even) choices.

So, it seems magical that another choice manifests and we think “that other thing no longer happens”.    Yet, all we did was even out the energy of all possible choices (imagined and especially the unimaginable), so one of those – even – trillion choices manifested and we experienced “different” (vs “the same” stuck place).

Stuck in the story

If we’re stuck (not neutral), all our energy is expended maintaining “the story” of the one or two choices of manifestation (“my life sucks”).

When we strengthen an energetic weakness, and get to neutral – we could still think of the old story, but now it has less or no effect – it becomes less significant in our lives.

When we’re neutral, other (new) stories can manifest – and can continue to manifest –  in future moments.

Less Focus on Specific Outcomes

Focusing on – or desiring – a particular outcome keeps things from changing.    In the best case, when we are neutral and shift, it’s because – for that moment – we really didn’t know (or care)  – energetically – what could manifest in the next moment.

Some miss the “neutrality to outcome” concept with energy work in general.  As a energy work or alternative practitioner, your neutrality is as important as the client’s.

A practitioner may consciously say they are not biased, but their projected (unconscious) energy is the driving factor that manifests.    Any desire or need (energy) for a specific outcome – also keeps things from changing.

Neutrality means positive or negative, different or same is all even

Neutral (to outcome) means the energy is even and ready to allow “different”, but also “the same” too…  (both sides)

That’s how The Power of Neutrality® – of having even energy – really works.   By being neutral, we expand the field of possibilities – and remove limitations so our lives can change for the better.


Are YOU Motivated by “Bothers”?

Anger The Best Motivator?Anger, the Best Motivator?

We all get angry or frustrated at times in our lives.  But, do you or someone you know have a need to get angry/bothered about something to get motivated?

Should anger or its sibling frustration be the primary – or worse – only arrows in our motivational quiver to get something done?    Is drama really the only option?

Doesn’t sound very productive.

The “Get Angry – Be Successful” Article

An article I read the other day discussed the positive effects of getting angry.   The author wrote about getting angry to get successful.   The premise was – anger is a great and positive motivator to achieve your goals – as long as the anger is not directed at others.

YouTube:   Are You Motivated By Bothers?

Neutrality Meets the “Get Angry” Premise

When we’re neutral, our motivations unfold effortlessly from a calm and clear sense of purpose.   Using anger, frustration and other strong emotions actually weaken our energy so much we have to “react” to pull ourselves out of that low-energy hole.

The rebound “bother” or reaction energy we experience – we can misinterpret as positive (or sometimes negative) motivational energy.

Then, the <strong emotions => weak energy => reaction> pattern can become our standard, but stressful way of dealing with everyday situations – eventually leading to some kind of symptoms.

Being motivated by a “bother” or strong emotion such as anger isn’t a good short or long term strategy

Energy Tells the Real Story

The “Get Angry..” author’s own energy didn’t resonate with the premise and conclusions in the article he wrote.

So, what’s the real story?

Whatever we think, believe or say – is not what it is – or we’d resolve our problem
We have to stop our logical thinking, and use our intuition – to find answers

Using energetic testing, we uncovered the author’s real bothers (where he needed to get neutral).   Unfortunately, the author wasn’t consciously aware of the real bothers:

  1. The first bother was his own misinterpretation of what was taking place
  2. The second bother was “not being productive
  3. The third set of bothers were the emotions of discouragement and demoralized – misidentified as “anger”.

A Closer Look

Let’s break down each bother from the “Get Angry” author:

1)  “Misinterpretation” – Anger didn’t come up as the motivating emotion using energetic testing.

So, there was misinterpretation of what was happening – and that generated a reaction to raise the energy of the situation – the energy that was needed to do something.

His Take:  Something happens, he gets angry and that anger energy motivates him to do something productive.
The Surprise:  The author’s energy shows nearly the opposite.    In order to be productive, there is a need to misinterpret or misidentify something to illicit a reaction to generate the energy needed (he also misidentifies the reaction as the emotion “anger” – see #3)

What does the authors’ “need to misinterpret” weakness mean in his/her daily life? 
The “need to misinterpret” energy is actually projected out – from us – and attracts experiences (people, places, situations and thinking) that causes us to misinterpret.   Our true self manifests / attracts / reminds us that we need to resolve “misinterpretation”.   Yet, every time we “get reminded” but don’t resolve (i.e. energetically neutralize) our prior misinterpretations, (aka ‘”don’t get the message”) – the energy gets thrown “on the stack” that keeps growing.

Misinterpretation is a very powerful negative energy.   The cumulative effect of prior misinterpretations can be very large (near infinite effect for some) and therefore trigger a large reaction.

The energy generated from that misinterpretation reaction locks us into that pattern – if we take the bait.

Get neutral to:   misinterpretation

2) “Not Being Productive” – There was a large (and cumulative) weakness to not being productive.
This came from the reaction and judgment from past experiences of not being productive, or in some cases – keeping others from being productive – by limiting them (karma).

His Take:   “Not being productive” as a bother wasn’t even a consciously acknowledged issue.
The Surprise:  When the author has “not being productive” experiences that need to be resolved,  he’s more likely to attract these experiences to misinterpret – because that’s what’s needed to bother him enough to react and do something (productive).   We can harbor and internalize beliefs (e.g. cultural, religious, family) and experiences of being punished, etc., for being caught idle.

Simply “being productive” (by any means, by misinterpreted “reaction” energy or not) doesn’t resolve anything and we stay stuck, because the neutrality issue is the opposite (not being productive).

Get neutral to:  and be OK with – “not being productive”, being “idle” (i.e. goofing off, taking time to blow off steam, etc., sometimes) and
1) delete all experiences of the punishment related to “being idle”
and also, …
2) delete & resolve the previous karmic experiences (and tethers to victims) that we (or ancestors, etc) limited…
.. and make sure these victims “get the message” these karmas are resolved.. 

3) “Misidentify the emotion”  – Discouragement and demoralized come up as the emotions in this situation, not anger.

It’s painful to be wrong – or in this case – to misidentify what’s taking place.

His Take:   The motivating emotion is anger.
The Surprise:   Whatever anger he had before is resolved.   But, now his energy says it’s discouragement & demoralized – so, by calling the emotion anger, he also misinterprets what he senses.

Misidentification & misinterpretation create reaction energy – energy needed to do something.   But, ultimately, the reaction perpetuates the problem and doesn’t resolve the issue(s) of misidentification first, then second the actual emotions involved (discouragement & demoralized).

Get neutral to:    and be OK with – being wrong or misidentifying in a situation – sometimes.
Also, get neutral to perfection – having to be right all the time, especially if there are perfectionist tendencies.    

When we’re neutral,  being wrong once (or once in a while) shouldn’t trigger demoralizing, discouragement energy.    

Dealing with the Real “Bother(s)”

When the “Get Angry..” author gets to neutral the 3 items listed above, “misinterpretation“, “not being productive“, “perfection“, the situation improves without using reactions or strong emotions as a motivator.


When we’re neutral, we’re far less likely to attract or create situations, events or use other people to remind us what we need to resolve.

It’s better to energetically determine the real “bother” in a situation – so we can change the energy and get neutral – rather than perpetuate the pattern of always taking the “drama” route and reacting.

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When Things Won’t Go Away


The Path To Immediate Change

Our best path to immediate change occurs when we:
  • get more neutral with letting things go away
    … and
  • remove our judgment and rigid thinking


There are some good things in your life; if they disappear, it would bother you.
That’s why it’s hard for you to change for the better…
You’re struggling with “things going away” in your life.

That’s why you have a hard time – even bad things don’t go away.

Because, your non-conscious self cannot judge what is good or bad,
so across-the-board, it won’t let anything go away.
– Dr. Kam Yuen

To perceive change, we need to be neutral – so our energy supports (can’t be bothered by)“things going away”.

It’s a hard concept to understand – that our tendency to unconsciously “hold on” to good things keeps bad things from leaving.

So, get neutral to things going away.

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Act or Wait? – Anticipation Hesitation





Why hesitation affects our improvement

Some of us have experiences in the past when things, events,  etc., that we judge “good” eventually turned sour.    Have you or someone you know internalized any of these variations of well-worn sayings?

  • waiting for the other shoe to drop (bad things come in groups)
  • no good deed goes unpunished (bad things always happen after good things)
  • it can only get worse (things never get better)
  • all good things must come to an end  (good things don’t last)
  • (good) luck runs out (good fortune is scarce, poverty-stricken mentality)
  • the devil you know (any change is always worse than where we are now)
  • hold your horses!   (slow down – too fast is risky/dangerous)
  • gotta get my ducks-in-a-row (wait – everything needs to be perfect first)
  • things happen in 3’s (wait for the (imaginary) pattern to play out)
  • you can’t teach an old dog new tricks (learning / experiencing is more difficult when time has passed)
  • damned if you do, damned if you don’t (wait until I can determine which behavior punishes me less)

Our hesitancy in perceiving a shift could be due to our energetic weakness to anticipation, improving, getting better, etc.   When we, our ancestors, descendants or siblings have experiences that “things didn’t work out” (eventually), our judgment of the past situation can cause us to unconsciously hesitate or hold ourselves back from shifting or sensing improvement or change.

Stubbornness can be part of this energetic block and the inability to be neutral and “give up” (the opposite of stubbornness).

We can also harbor confusion for why we are not shifting.    It’s not always the need to hold on  or even our need to hold on (the spiritual or psychic energy causing the effect could be from a specific person, the collective, etc).

Anticipation is yet another subtle,
sometimes hidden energetic block to experiencing change.

Through energetic testing, we can precisely identify the energetic blocks to shifting our awareness and perception so we can experience change for the better.

Anticipation is the polar opposite of holding on

People who don’t experience/perceive immediate energetic shifts can have either holding on or anticipation weakness – or a combination of the two.

  • Holding on is more like an anchor limiting forward movement (change).
  • Anticipation is like a wall blocking us (making us hesitate) from going forward – for allowing something new to manifest (though it can be related to past events)

Remember, it’s not what we logically think is the issue, it’s what our energy says is the true cause(s).

You mean – things might improve?!  Crap!

For many, negative anticipation is not the primary block to improvement.    Positive anticipation (so-called “good” outcomes, hope, desires, wants, improvement, etc) can be the primary energetic block to shifting.

BOTH positive and negative anticipation
can create energetic blocks to perceiving shifts
that have already taken place.

Energetic weakness to anticipation is what typically creates the hesitation (“whoa, hold your horses!”) response to shifting in-the-moment.

Whether your practice consists of conventional, holistic, integrative or energy work, your own anticipation, beliefs and judgment has a profound effect on your results with clients.   (See also Common Blocks for Alternative and Wellness  Practitioners)

The Power of Neutrality® process can help neutralize these blocks to improving yourself and your clients for the better.

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Shifting Perception (and energy)

Perception and Awareness of Energetic Shifts

To shift out of our symptom state in-the-moment, neutrality and clear and complete perception is key.   We want our energy to be strong and neutral with perceiving energetic and physical changes/shifts.

Some people have trouble perceiving energetic shifts or changes.    Many elements can inhibit a person from perceiving energetic shifts that have already taken place.  (e.g. to notice their thinking or symptom state changed).

We use energetic testing as our “measuring tool
to gauge what truly affects us
so we can strengthen the energy to “neutral”

When neutrality and “energetically” strong perception exists, we can – both:

  • identify the right answers enfolded in our own energies using energetic testing and
  • perceive the changes in-the-moment

Let’s look at the 2 most common elements blocking perception – time and change.   These simple concepts can be the main roots of energetic blocks for many to perceiving beneficial change.


Energetic blocks to TIME can influence and inhibit our ability to perceive shifts that have already taken place.

By checking the energy (energetic testing), we can know we (or a client) shifted  … (energy is strong/neutral)
rather than think:

  • we’ve missed something
  • why aren’t we/client noticing change?
  • well, let’s see what happens in a few days…  (wait and see)

So, what’s really going on?

In many cases OUR OWN bias/beliefs related to time – e.g. “see what happens” energy – can block perception of an energy shift.

As practitioners, we can project out and affect a client’s energy for perceiving immediate change.  Of course, if the client harbors those “wait and see” energies too, then it’s a double-whammy.

Clearing TIME Blocks

When the energy has shifted, but the person can’t perceive it, all is not lost.    We just need to know how to remedy the situation using energetic testing and find what element of time tests “weak” – indicating the answer.

Neutrality to all TIME elements is essential for both client (and practitioner) to perceive changes

How does one solve this common problem?

Strengthen neutrality to all time factors

The main time elements  are (notice the progression):

FOREVER/NEVER, eons, centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds…..this moment!

The energy needs to be neutral and strong with every element up to and including ‘this moment’.

Many people just focus on “this moment”, but it is the weak energetic support  for other time elements – that need to be cleared first
that block perception of the “this moment” shift

We want “this moment” – and all other time elements – to be energetically supported by both client and practitioner.    But, in order to get to “this moment”, we have to strengthen and remove every time element energetic block.

So, perceiving shifts is not about “being in the moment“.    The shift happens because we’ve removed and neutralized the blocks to “never”… “weeks”, etc., so the shift that’s already taken place can be perceived.


A second and common element blocking noticing shifts is our misinterpretation of what has taken place.    We may have distorted perception caused by energetic blocks (not neutral) to what are called “opposing opposites” (also called the misinterpretation octagon).

Some of us (and our clients) can’t easily distinguish between things that are:

  1. the same/not the same
  2. different/not different
  3. changing/not changing
  4. perception / no perception

When we ask for client feedback – about an energetic shift that has already occurred, the person with a misinterpretation block/weakness will often say “it feels the same” (i.e. no change).



Strengthen neutrality in perceiving “changes”

Commonly, the energetic support may be weak (not neutral) for one of these three (related to the list above):

  1. “Different”related to judgment – being different (stick out)… might be punished for it.
  2. “Change(s)” related to beliefs –  “Change is difficult”, “Change is dangerous”, “Change is bad”, “Can’t change the past”
  3. “Not the Same”related to safety/concern –  Not the same (“routine”) is uncomfortable, frightening, seems unsafe.

Energetic weakness to one or more of these misinterpretation “pairs” will create a resistance to perceiving a shift.

We need to strengthen this energy to neutral or strong to all these factors.    
(i.e. so  it’s OK for something to change, and for the person to perceive it – it’s not voodoo,  we’re not judging it, etc)

NOTE:   As stated earlier, practitioners could project out weakening energy into the situation too, so check your own energy and the client to determine where the block is coming from…

Final Thoughts

When we’re energetically strong and neutral with the TIME and CHANGE elements of perception (and a few more), our energy supports manifesting a different outcome “on-the-spot” vs just reinforcing the state of “nothing changed”.

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Stress – When Knowing Is Painful

stress answers
There is much discussed and written about stress in conventional and complementary / alternative health circles – from “What Causes Stress?” to “Relieve Your Stress by Doing <X>”.

Most likely some of the advice could work for a narrow group of people.   We consider it some kind of miracle if it works for even a few people.

How strange are we to think this is the best we can do to resolve our problems.

If we truly knew the causes of our reaction(s), they would release on-the-spot.
In many cases, the confusion of not knowing creates the reaction we label stress.

Stress is Too Generic and Unspecific

Stress as a general term – is pretty ambiguous and generic and the definition varies from person to person.   10 people will give you 10 definitions of what stress means.

And therein lies the problem.

We take a term like “stress” that could describe just about everything and anything.   Then, people read, think, talk, write and worry about it and also redefine it hundreds if not thousands of times.   The overload and cumulative “energetic” effect of the ambiguity – from our own and others’ experiences – can create confusion – (energetically) blocking a person from uncovering what REALLY bothers them.

Our acceptance of information about stress – that doesn’t apply to our situation – just compounds the problem – cumulatively.

Also, because stress is unspecific and general, the term itself can trigger other non-specific things in our life that bother us (thousands, millions, trillions effect)  and create a huge reaction.

Basically, if there is STILL a reaction, then we don’t have the right answer

What to do?   Check our own energy

The answers are enfolded in our own energy.   Reading more research and books isn’t useful since most of the answers probably don’t apply to us.   The shotgun or needle-in-a-haystack approach searching for answers is used all too often with spotty or no results.

Instead, read your OWN book (energy) and get the answer(s) specific to you.

The Burdens of Not Knowing (and Knowing)

In this (too much) information age, the mental bother of not knowing what’s going on (i.e. confusion) – or not knowing exactly what’s bothering us – triggers a (cumulative, sometimes infinite) reaction, and we label this reaction as stress.

If we have experiences of “don’t know what’s going on” – and it affects/weakens us, it’s easier to just delete and get neutral to them – and the cumulative energetic effect of them on us.   A person may also connect with others that collectively are weakened by not knowing – and that effect adds to –  and can be a primary weakening effect on their own energy.

Deletion of these cumulative effects and neutrality is a better option to get on-the-spot results rather than focusing on any term such as stress or anxiety that for most just creates more confusion and doesn’t resolve anything.

Do We Really Want To Know?

For many (checking the energy), knowing is a tremendous energetic block/weakness.

For these particular people, if they really KNOW/KNEW (the real problem, the origins of the universe, what people really thought of them, etc), it would bother them more than NOT knowing.   So, they unconsciously choose to not know – and this just adds (cumulatively) to the “don’t know what’s going on” energy they label as stress – and perpetuates the situation.

Also, the uneven energy may continue to manifest or attract more confusion experiences to remind them this is what needs to be resolved.

Delete What Bothers Us

To rid ourselves of our sensations, first profile the major effect(s).

  • Is it from inside us, or outside?  Which is most significant?
  • If outside effect is biggest
    • delete the collective influence & cumulative effect from outside, including psychic effects on us
  • then, [DELETE]  all the prior “not knowing” experiences (generally) and cumulative effects.

Then, we strengthen our neutrality to being at ease or neutral withnot knowing what’s going on” – and also “knowing” what’s going on – so they’re even with each other.

When “knowing” doesn’t matter either way, there is no so-called “stress”, because we’re unblocked and able to get our own answers.

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Stop Spinning Your Wheels – and Start Revving … in Neutral

stuck-in-sandRevving…. in Neutral?

Being satisfied or content – neutral – with any outcome  …

… actually bothers some of us.

We may believe the idea or concept of being content or satisfied means “going nowhere” and this can trigger our negative thoughts or limiting experiences of being stuck.    



Neutral, to many of us seems like stuck.      
But, being neutral isn’t stuck – neutral means being open and OK with any possibility, option or choice available to us – with equal energy/emphasis.

In this modern day and age,
it’s not enough to be satisfied or content

Getting to neutral
means getting the “we can never be satisfied or content” mentality out of the way, completely deleted.  When we have this “clean slate” so-to-speak – and when the energy is more evened out – without bias – paradoxically, that’s when things can – and often do – change – on-the-spot.

The Losing “Trap”

But, when we are removing or deleting something, there’s a trap;  some of us don’t like losing things – especially things we judge are “good”. (relationships, money, time).

Unfortunately, our non-conscious self doesn’t judge or distinguish between “good” or “bad” when it comes to “losing”.    So, if “losing” (something good) bothers you, it will be harder – and we will struggle with – losing something bad – like a reaction, bother or symptom.    This “holding on” (to avoid the losing experience) is what can keep us stuck in our symptom state.

There are other terms we use related to losing:   “Go away”, “Disappear”, “Taken away”, “Gone”, “Deleted”.

When we are not neutral to these concepts, we’re more likely to remain stuck in our pain or symptom state.

We have (more) choices?

Some conventional and alternative methods say “focus on the positive” as a choice.    Unfortunately, many of us are already “programmed” by our experiences to choose or focus our energy on the positive, or perhaps ignore or avoid the negative, yet we still struggle.

So, where do we go next?

There is a another choice – above and stronger than the polarities of positive and negative – one we may not have thought about – neutrality.    

Neutral is where all choices have equal energy and there is no bias or preference for one over the other.   By having all choices available to us as equal, rather than being “bothered” to prefer or avoid a polarity (“good”/”bad”, “positive/negative”, etc), new outcomes can manifest in the next moment so we’re no longer stuck.

Neutrality is the best path to change
in the next moment

So, what does this “neutrality” or being neutral mean?

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRAL, we realize the power is in this state of being satisfied with any outcome,  with no struggle, need to fight, suffer, hurt or punish ourselves (or others). 

And being satisfied is not about being “in the moment” or “always thinking positive” or having positive visualizations.    Those seemingly positive choices often trigger a (larger) negative reaction to our prior experiences of avoiding things or covering up something negative.

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRAL, we’re motivated by our true self, not by what bothers us.   Many of us don’t consciously realize when our motivation is based on a “bother”.    For example, think of something that you’re motivated to do or passionate about.

Now, ask yourself, truthfully.    Am I motivated because of an innate and contented sense of purpose?   Or, does this purpose require pushing a hidden button or bother (fear of something, imprint “should do” or “must do” from childhood, etc) to generate enough energy to do it?

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRAL, we don’t have to focus all our energy “in the moment”.    By having no charge, judgment or fear of any aspect of time (past, present or future),  there is nothing to weaken our energy.     That’s how we can neutralize the triggers of negative expectations of the future.

How many of us use cliches like:

  •  “when’s that shoe gonna drop?”   (anticipating / assuming things always get worse)
  •  “(good) luck runs out”    (scarcity of “good”things, only so much to go around/poverty-stricken mentality)
  • bad things always happen after something good happens (unconscious beliefs that someone keeps score)

Can you see how our unconscious energy creates these self-limiting choices and manifestations?     The fact is, good things can happen after bad – and – good things can also happen after previous good things.

By being neutral and having no charge on a situation –  all possible choices have even energy – and there is energetic support for the so-called “good” thing to manifest and continue to manifest.

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRAL, we don’t consciously or unconsciously use any false coping tools like denial or suppressing things that bother us.  Sometimes, this coping can extend to limiting others too.

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRALany choice is a good choice, because there is equal  charge for any and all possible experiences, outcomes or consequences – good or bad.    Neutrality gives us our “best” moments of manifestation.   And even if we get “best” (or worst), we’re not judging it because we’re neutral to both best and worst – and everything in between – so it’s just another experience. (Eh, so what?)

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRAL, people and situations change around us.   Our neutral energy no longer attracts, manifests or perpetuates our worst case scenario.    In fact, we may find people who normally trigger us seem to un-consciously “pull in their claws” ‐ and they don’t even know why.

WHEN WE’RE NEUTRAL, we intuitively and innately understand that constant forward progress or a struggle isn’t necessary to live a better life.

By using our intuition and energetic testing to identify – and neutralize – the charge in any situation, we can live in a state of calm and infinite potential at all times – like a car revving in neutral.

Tales of the Insignificant – When Little Things Bother Us


The “Information Effect”

We are inundated daily with warnings from experts, friends and family, the news media, and what we see or read in our news feeds about what is good or bad for us.

Worry seems to be our new national pastime.

Seems like every day there’s something new to worry, avoid, or get bothered about.   We internalize judgment of the dangers of our lifestyle or choices, our diet, the air we breathe, the water we drink.

Often, well-meaning people feel the need to warn (they say “inform”) us about the hundreds of dangers around us.   It’s not enough that they are bothered, the weight of their bothers weakens them so much they want everyone else to be bothered to feed off other people’s energy.

The problem is;  information doesn’t always have a positive effect

Our Problems are Significant!

Many believe the problems and symptoms they experience are caused by significant elements.     But, oftentimes, the energy of the situation shows us this is not the case.

Significant Effects from Insignificant Things

How many of us react to information related to small things?    When someone mentions how a minute exposure to a chemical, pesticide or substance can affect us, we assume it’s true – in all cases, and for everyone.

And maybe we take a deep breath or our pulse rises and we scour the web for the article, study or expert that reinforces the idea.

“Plastics containing bicamiphide alert!  WATCH OUT!”   

The message we internalize is;   small things can have significant effects. 

So, what are we actually reacting to?   It can’t be the substance we just read about.   We don’t even know what bicamiphide is yet.

An internal energetic undercurrent of – our own – and collective – worry and concern mixes in with the energy of our conscious and unconscious beliefs … and manifests the physical reaction we sense.   We may not consciously connect the dots at first, but our over concern, over worry and over analysis affects our wellness energetically – and later physically – in ways that are invisible to us in the moment.

This is an all too common pattern of a (non-physicalmental bother creating physical sensations and symptoms.

We can adjust to some of this, but when overreactions become a common pattern, eventually the cumulative energy-draining effects of these “bothers” can – and does – cause actual physical stagnation in one or more areas of our body.

The physical stagnation eventually surfaces a sensation that we label symptoms of pain, discomfort, irritation, hypersensitivity and so on.

Uncovering Our Answers

To find our symptom roots, we simply have to know what actually affects / weakens our energetic field – and, if left undiscovered – can become the future roots / sources of our symptoms.

We discover these energetic effects by using simple energetic testing … and throw out / ignore anything that tests “strong” (doesn’t weaken our energy).

A basic principle of this work is:  the only things that affect us …
are things that weaken our energy field

What keeps us stuck in the “no change” state are our assumptions, beliefs and focus on wrong answers –  the things that don’t weaken our energy – things that may logically or conventionally sound correct or reasonable, but don’t shift our symptoms  or life situation.  

Symptom Roots – Physical or Non-Physical?

When we examine sensations energetically – and check dozens and dozens of people, the physical substance is almost never the primary issue.  Physical anything isn’t the primary issue – because it doesn’t weaken the person’s energy field or test weak – as a primary or major effect – using energetic testing and/or numerical profiling.

So, what other possibilities are there?    Well, in our example, energetic testing tells us what bothers us is not physical.

Some might immediately suggest or assume or guess it’s “stress”, “anxiety”, “fear”, etc.    When we check, we find we are energetically strong (or neutral) to all of these words and concepts.    None of these (assumptions) weaken us energetically.

So, it’s something else.

Now, let’s reveal the real – non-physical – energetic weaknesses:

  • The first thing that weakens us the most – is the information itself (true or not).
  • The second thing is about something insignificant, small – i.e. “little things”.
    (like the song – “Little things mean a lot”)

“Little things” – this seems more like life issues – such as:

  • an accumulation of little annoyances, concern, bothers (triggers)
  • Be-littling comments bother us
  • having too little of anything (food, money, a job, relationships)
  • being little was painful (childhood)
  • being treated as insignificant
  • worry that microscopic things we can’t see can harm us or cause us to react (allergies, etc)
  • perfectionist tendency (that last little bit)

For this particular case, all of these things energetically weakened the person or persons.     Notice these are all life issues for these people related to small (insignificant) things, not bicamiphide or any physical substance.

We have to realize, if we’re (still) reacting, we don’t have the right answer.  

Checking the Energy of the Situation

When we and others like us internalize these warnings, we become energetically and mentally bothered by the information.  This adds to our cumulative bother about “little things” (could be a trillion-fold effect) and this further weakens our energy.

Soon, the trigger – on the gun we loaded with cumulative effect – so to speak – causes us to react disproportionately – even when there is no real threat.

Google … Your Energy

By using energetic testing, we can find the most significant effect, the 2nd most, the 3rd most and so on.   Rather than making what seem like educated guesses and informed choices, Googling, making assumptions, letting others make assumptions for us, avoiding, why not find the answers ourselves?

When we use energetic testing, we most likely find the physical substance itself that we thought had significant effect – doesn’t affect us in any meaningful way (much less than 1% through numerical profiling)

We may not realize that something as ubiquitous
as the energy of information
affects us significantly in our daily lives

When insignificant things become significant in our lives, it doesn’t just affect us mentally and physically.   These bothers can affect our finances and our relationships with the people around us making our daily routine more difficult than it needs to be.

So get neutral to information – whether it’s true or not – by using The Power of Neutrality® process.

When we’re more neutral, there are no energetic triggers that cause a reaction or create or attract the drama.

By the way, there is no such substance as bicamiphide.

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Answers – With Simple Energetic Testing


Energetic testing

…is an accurate way to isolate what is really going on in the moment regarding the root causes of our symptoms or reactions.  It is especially useful in neutrality work or in combination with other energy work.

Energy States and Effects

When we discuss neutrality, we mean the energetic state of neutrality which is a strong and even energy state.   When some issue, trigger or event/situation – or even information –  weakens or lowers our overall energy state, we lose some of that neutral energy – and therefore our overall wellbeing.  And, in this busy, modern world, sometimes we’re aware of this shift from neutral, sometimes not.

Neutral energy is either strong or weak

There are really only 2 (binary) energy states in neutral work – 1 or 0.  We’re either neutral (strong/full), or not (weak) to any particular situation, experience or event.

This simple strong/weak method of energetic testing was first revealed by Dr. Kam Yuen, founder of Yuen Method, and is the best, most precise and reliable way to check energy and avoid making assumptions.    Dr. Yuen’s results-based method and the simplicity in treating humans as intelligent “bio-computers” (either strong or weak to any issue) is the basis of this work.    

Conventional western methods – and even most all alternative methods  – still don’t have a good understanding of this simple energetic technique.   (reading energy in ourselves or others “at-any-distance”, etc., without contact or conversation).    They may catch up some day.  In the meantime, see how easy it is for yourself.

Neutrality is simple

All of us are already neutral to dozens and dozens of things.    We may not know this intuitively, we just know “I don’t usually react in this situation“, be it someone honking a car horn, waiting in a long line, etc.

To get to the neutral state, we simply need to:

  1. Sense when we are not in a neutral energy state
  2. Identify what the real cause is
  3. Strengthen our energy back into the neutral energy state

There is no judgment, assumptions or analysis in getting back to neutral.   We simply strengthen to neutral what we find that weakens us, so the energy across all possibilities is even.   No need for research papers, double blind studies, discussion or debate.  The energy shifts – done.

Sensing energetic weakness or dip in neutral energy

Most of us can sense when our energy “dips” if we silence our thinking long enough (i.e. STOP THINKING) to take awareness of what is happening in our energy field or our body.

Checking strong/weak energy states

Energetic testing of strong/weak is the simplest and most revolutionary way to determine what really affects us.    When you learn to process information in this way, it literally changes the way you perceive the world around you.     And everyone can do it.

Here are the simple steps:

1)  Find your “spot”

Think about a time when someone came into the room you didn’t like and you had a reaction to it.   Where did you sense an energy change in your body?   In your throat, chest, belly, forehead?

OK, wherever it is, that’s your “spot” – where you feel this energy dip (or weakness).  It doesn’t have to be a large dip, it can be subtle.

2) Test something to feel that weak energy state again


a) Say “my name is Brontosaurus”

Feel the energy of your “spot” when you focus on the word “Brontosaurus”.   Is it a full/strong/neutral feeling or weak (dip in energy)?

b) Think about walking backwards.

Feel the energy of your “spot”.    Strong or weak?

Note that when you feel for a weakened energy, it is not a TRUE/FALSE check, it is a NEUTRAL(strong)/WEAK energy check.

That’s really all there is to energetic testing.

Sorry, no 10 step program.  No years of study with a guru.  No secret to the secret.   That’s it.

When the energy feels strong

The examples above might not work for you if you’re already neutral to

  • people you don’t like coming into a room or
  • being named “Brontosaurus” or
  • walking backwards

Nothing’s wrong.  You feel fullness and strength simply because you’re already neutral to those things. That’s a good thing.     Just find something else to test with – make it a game. Eventually, your stronger intuition connects the answers to you, so you don’t have to mentally search for things to test.

The need for speed

Speed is important.   Let’s say we’re looking at something with the shoulder.   The idea is; when you posit the thought or word “shoulder” (or whatever), get your mind out of the situation IMMEDIATELY, so you can just feel strong/weak in your “spot” in ONE SECOND.    We want to be neutral – with NO expectation, anticipating of a particular outcome or “hanging on” (for seconds) or hesitating – waiting to feel the energy dip.

Just accept the energy of the answer (full/dip or strong/weak) in a neutral way – in one second – and MOVE ON – quickly.

Energetic Testing vs Muscle Testing

For best results and accuracy, use your own energy or “spot” for testing strong/weak. Many practitioners use muscle testing to check for strong / weak.    They could use their own fingers (called finger test) or an arm test when with a client.

While muscle testing methods are useful for demonstration, we suggest you not grow dependent on them. Accurate muscle testing relies on the person being neutral to being questionedinterrogation ), needing permission or even being touched – all the issues that are brought up with muscle testing.

If the client’s energy is weak to any of these elements (and a few more not mentioned), their body will respond with the opposite (wrong) answer to strong/weak.   Most likely the result will be “nothing’s changing.”

It’s no surprise that the neutrality of the practitioner can also affect answers, either directly in themselves or through projection into the client.

For example, if a practitioner isn’t neutral to testing or touching others, they may get inaccurate results with muscle testing.   These states can be changed by getting neutral to these situations by following The Power of Neutrality® process.

Final Thoughts

The goal of energetic testing is to find the area on your body where you can sense the strong/weak energy states, be aware of your “spot”, and feel the energy.   When you can sense the difference between the strong/weak energy states, you now possess a useful tool that can be used for anything  to figure out what’s really going on.

There is no assumption or judgment in energetic testing of strong / weak.    If whatever you’re thinking about doesn’t  “feel” energetically weak – (doesn’t weaken your energy), then whatever you thought isn’t the problem.   Move on.   Only energetic weaknesses affect us.

Congratulations.   Using energetic testing puts you on the path to knowing more about your own energy and neutrality than anyone else could ever teach you.

Neutrality – And Symptoms

Simplicity / Complexity

Symptoms are often clues to what is bothering us, but in order to find the real issue, we have to “listen” with our intuition, not our thinking.     Symptoms can resolve quickly when we are open and use our intuition to get answers.

Some are skeptical of simplicity, because modern society has conditioned us to expect and even celebrate complexity.  We are accustomed to study and struggle (“no pain, no gain”) to understand first, then experience second.

Sadly, this need to study, understand and struggle before we experience something can be the major (energetic) blocks for the skeptic to experience change.

When we are neutral to not having to study, struggle or understand first,  the energy shift – that has already occurred – can be experienced.

Intuition vs Logic

Our intuition and logic needs to be 50/50  – not one more prominent than the other.   Logic combined with our intuitive ability to feel for energetic weaknesses using energetic testing is the key.    There’s nothing mystical about intuition.   Intuition is something we’re born with, but early on we were discouraged from using it in our everyday lives.     We can reconnect to our intuition at any time as long as we can stop our logical thinking first.

Neutrality and the “Symptom State”

Our bothers are often the main cause for being stuck in our symptom state.    Being bothered is another way of saying we’re not neutral, we’re stuck in a polarity of some kind.

When we have bothers (a.k.a.  energetic weaknesses)  related to particular concepts, they can become primary energetic blocks to our shift to wellness.

In many cases, simply being neutral about a situation can release a symptom – or prevent one from developing.

Energetic weaknesses or bothers that create/sustain symptoms

Energetic testing can be useful to find these – sometimes hidden – bothers.

Common examples of hidden bothers that can weaken us:

Losing something

  • disappear/go away
  • not there” (need a reminder)
  • not having (symptoms, bothers)

Perception & Judgment

  • perception of changes (too slow)
  • awareness (not experiencing changes that have already taken place)
  • improvement (disappointment – either ours or others that are suffering)
  • stable (neutral so your symptoms don’t “stabilize” as chronic)

Coping Mechanisms
(it takes a lot of energy to suppress or use other coping mechanisms)

  • being positive (forcing a positive face – neutral is better)
  • suppressing, denying, shutdown, forgetting

Learning Experiences

  • need to understand, comprehend first (better to experience first, then understand)
  • need to struggle or be obsessive  (best to separate the two and get neutral)

A good article about the power of information or beliefs to create symptoms is Beware of the Warnings by friend and mentor LeRoy Malouf

Wrong answers about what truly bothers us keep us stuck in our predicament.

When we can determine with our intuition what’s really bothering us (energetically), we can resolve our symptoms very quickly.